Letter to Nelson McCausland

16th February, 2010

Nelson McCausland M.L.A.

Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure

Causeway Exchange


Dear Nelson, 

The Grand Unionist Centenary Committee is due to meet in the High Sheriff’s Office at 7.15 p.m.on Thursday, 25th February. 

I know it is short notice but as I know you are yourself preparing for such Centenaries as 1912 and 1916, you would be very welcome to attend.  The Centenary Committee consists of representatives of the D.U.P., U.U.P., P.U.P., and T.U.V., as well as the Orange Institution, The Apprentice Boys of Derry and the 36th Ulster Division Memorial Association. 

I chair the Committee as the representative of the Somme Association, honorary historian of the Ulster Unionist Party and Personal Advisor on History and Culture to the Right Honourable Ian R.K. Paisley, M.P. M.L.A. 

We would be highly honoured if you could spare time to advise us on future plans from the Government perspective, if Thursday, 25th February is not suitable. 

Best wishes,

Yours sincerely, 

Councillor Dr. Ian Adamson O.B.E.

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