Letter from Máirtín Ó Muilleoir

Cllr. Máirtín Ó Muilleoir

Member’s Room

City Hall



An Comh Máirtín Ó Muilleoir

Seomra na mBall

Halla na Cathrach

Béal Feirste


An tAire Carál Ní Chuilín

An Roinn Cultúir, Ealaíon agus Fóillíochta

1‐7 Bedford Street

Béal Feirste

17 Eanáir 2013

‘Aire, a chara,

Bliain úr faoi mhaise duit.

On Friday 4 January, I had my first opportunity to visit the Somme Heritage Centre at

the invitation of founder Dr Ian Adamson and Director Carol Walker.

I was immensely impressed by the passion of the staff at the Centre and commend

their efforts to tell this important story while promoting community reconciliation.

I confess myself to be at the very start of a journey in which I hope to learn more

about the Somme but believe there was no better place to start than at this

important Heritage Centre. It is clear to me that the Somme is of particular

significance to my unionist neighbours and, therefore, it is crucial to me that it is

given its rightful place in our efforts to commemorate our shared history.

I do hope you will do all in your power to ensure the continued success of the centre.

I welcome your efforts to increase DCAL support to the Centre and hope your

officers can work closely with the Centre to ensure it can raise the matching funded

needed to release DCAl funds.

Le meas,

Cllr. Máirtín Ó Muilleoir

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