28TH June 2014 – 2ndJuly 2014

Sunday 29th June
0800hrs Breakfast in Hotel
0830hrs Depart for full day’s tour into Belgium.
Morning: Visits shall include; the 16th (Irish) Division Memorial, The Island of Ireland Peace Park, Spanbroekmolen Mine Crater, and Lone Tree Cemetery.
Afternoon: Lunch in Ypres, Tyne Cot Cemetery, Memorial and Visitor Centre, and Langemark German Cemetery.
Return to Ypres for dinner (at leisure) and Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate at 2000hrs (please be at the gate for no later the 1945hrs). One wreath will be laid on behalf of the group rather than by individuals.
22:00hrs (approx) Arrive back at hotel. Evening at Leisure

Monday 30th June
0730hrs Breakfast in hotel.
0900hrs Morning: Depart hotel for the Somme area, stopping on the way at the Australian Memorial at Villers Bretonneux. Morning visits will include Martinsart and the Canadian Memorial Newfoundland Parc.
1300hrs Afternoon: Lunch at the Ulster Memorial Tower followed by the guided tour of Thiepval Wood. Other afternoon activities will include the South African Memorial at Delville Wood and Authuille Cemetery.
1830hrs Arrive back at hotel. Evening at leisure
The Ulster Tower and Mill Road Cemetery today
0730hrs Breakfast in hotel.
0900hrs Morning: Depart for Thiepval. At 1100hrs Commonwealth Service of Remembrance at Thiepval Memorial to the Missing.