Genesis: Chaipter Yin….The Ullans Academy Version

24 An God sayed, Lat the yird bring furth aa kin o leevin things, kye an aa thing muivin on the yird , an beast o the yird efter their kin: an sae’t wus.

25 An God made the beast o the yird efter its kin, an the kye efter their kin. an aathing muivin  on the face o the yird efter its kin: an God seen that it wus guid.

26 An God sayed, Lat us mak man in oor eemage, like us: an lat him rule ower the fish o the seas an ower the birds o the lift an ower the kye an ower aa the yird an ower ilka leevin thing that crowls on the yird.

27 An God made man in his eemage, in the eemage o God he made him: man-body an wumman-body he made thaim.

28 An God gien thaim his sainin an sayed tae thaim, Be growthy an hae eiken, an mak the yird fou an be maisters o’t; be rulers ower the fish o the sea an ower the birds o the lift an ower ilka leevin thing muivin on the yird.

29 An God sayed, See, A hae gien ye ilka plant gien seed, on the face o aa the yird, an ilka tree that haes fruit gien seed: they wull be fur yer meat:

30 An tae ilka beast o the yird an tae ilka bird o the lift an ilka leevin thing muivin on the face o the yird A hae gien ilka green plant fur meat: an sae’t wus.

31 An God seen aathing that he haed wrocht, an it wus uncoo guid. An the war forenicht an the war forenuin, the saxt day.

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